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March 27, 2025

Lincoln-Way District 210

Will Co. (ECWd) - As published by the Chicago Tribune, " "A former Lincoln-Way Central High School secretary has repaid more than $40,000 she took from the athletic booster club as part of a plea agreement, authorities said. Melissa McGrath, 54, pleaded guilty to one count of felony...

New Lenox, IL. (ECWd) - In December of 2015, we published our first of many articles on the former Lincoln-Way School Superintendent Lawrence Wyllie. Our investigation revealed improper employment contracts, using $44,000 of public school funds for a "Super-Dog" dog training school on school property where his...

Frankfort, IL. (ECWd) - Alexander “Alex” Petrakis, Associate Principal at Lincoln-Way East High School, resigned his employment effective January 15, 2020. We applaud him for doing the right thing. The School Board vote was unanimous to accept the 5 resignations listed on the Agenda. [pdf-embedder url="" title="LincolnWay 2020-01-16 RESIGNATIONS...

UhWill Co. (ECWd) - Former Lincoln-Way District 210 Superintendent Lawrence Wyllie criminal trial has changed to November 26, 2018. According to the court docket, the previous jury trial date was set for December 3, 2018.  The court has blocked out 4 weeks for the trial which...

LINCOLN-WAY, IL. (ECWd) - On September 13, 2017, a Federal Grand Jury returned a six-count True Bill of Indictment against former Lincoln-Way School District Superintendent Lawrence Wyllie. We, the Edgar County Watchdogs, with help from local citizens, exposed these misdeeds more than 18 months ago: Click here...

Will Co.  (ECWd) - Memo to Lincoln-Way High School District 210 administrators: You just cannot get anything right, can you? You want to sway public opinion back to your side since coming under public—then federal—scrutiny for your financial games over the past decades. You scheme and...
