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October 19, 2024


SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Today, Governor Rauner signed HB4253: "Water District - Trustee Removal" "An appointing authority may remove a public water district trustee it appointed for misconduct, official misconduct, or neglect of office." This should really be coined the "Fosterburg Water District Amendment" or the "FWD Bill" because it...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - A local resident of District 200 has taken appropriate steps to hold the School Board accountable to the law. Jan Shaw, the founder of "DuPage Watchdog", a local government accountability organization, filed a verified complaint for Declaratory Judgement, Mandamus, and Injunctive Relief against the...

Coles Co. (ECWd) - As promised, Part II of what looks like will be a five-part series. See Part I at this link. August 3, 2018 Article - "CHARLESTON — Coles County's commercial and industrial property reassessment is now past its halfway stage, with property owners in two...

Coles Co. (ECWd) - Over the last 18 months, we have been covering in great detail the illegal actions by Coles County officials.  Those actions include bid-rigging, improper contracting, pay for no work, Open Meetings Act violations, Freedom of Information Act violations, illegal contracting and more. ...
