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March 12, 2025

Edgar County

CHRISMAN, IL. (ECWd) - More alleged electioneering using public resources. This time it is in a school building in Chrisman. In addition to the 6 School Superintendent's electioneering with public resources detailed in a previous article (here), we now find campaign signs for the Michael Smith for...

TUSCOLA, IL. (ECWd) - It has come to our attention that Michael Smith, current Superintendent of Tuscola School District, and Candidate for the Office of Superintendent of Regional Office of Education #11 has been busy using his school district email for electioneering purposes. Not only has he...

TUSCOLA, IL. (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_42662" align="alignleft" width="411"] Our rendering of the Q & A[/caption] Yes, those are his words, not ours. Dr. Bobbi Mattingly is the current, and soon retiring, Regional Schools Superintendent of ROE #11.  Michael Smith is the School Superintendent in Tuscola and is campaigning...

EDGAR CO., IL (ECWd) - The Truth in Taxation Hearing schedule for today on the proposed property tax increase for the newly formed Elbridge-Symmes Multi-Township Assessment District has been canceled. There were several problems, including passing the cut-off date for submitting the tax levy to the County...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - A long 5+ year battle has finally ended today with the sentencing of Kami Miller in Federal Court. Kami Miller and her daughter-in-law, Ashley Miller both entered a guilty plea to Felonies earlier this year to federal crimes against the former Paris, Illinois...

EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - Here is the line-up of Edgar County (local races) petitions turned in for the 2018 Primary Election March 20, 2018 Primary Andrew Patrick           Republican      County Board District 3 Karl E. Farnham, Jr.   Republican      County Board District 4 Dan Bruner                 Republican      County Board District 5 August Griffin             Republican     ...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - Prosecuting a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has never been an easy task, and actions like those of Illinois Auditor General Frank Mautino's attorney are making it more difficult. The Illinois Freedom of Information Act permits FOIA lawsuits against State Agencies to...
