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February 2, 2025

Edgar County Board

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - In an effort to mitigate the financial liability to Edgar County taxpayers and provide for an equitable solution to the remaining issue of compensation, the attorney for the Edgar County Sheriff has provided Roger Hopper with an opportunity to justify any claims...

IL. SUPREME COURT (ECWd) - In an opinion filed on May 22, 2014, the Illinois Supreme Court decided the case of Nelson v. Kendall County. This determination came as we expected it would: That State's Attorneys are "public bodies" and are subject to the Freedom Of...

ECWd's - Edgar County Sheriff Sheriff Motley has issued a press release regarding the matter of Roger Hopper and Dee Burgin.  You may review the document below or download it by clicking the download link below.     [gview file="" save="1"]...
