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October 23, 2024

Mike Heltsley says: "Stick It To Him" [Edgar County Taxpayers]…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 13, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014. In yet another alleged illegal executive session of the Edgar County Board, the board discussed the “compensation” that will be given to the reinstated deputies. Somewhere during that conversation, Heltsley stated that he wanted to “stick it to him”, as in the Sheriff,  when talking about the reimbursement to the deputies…only the “him” is actually “YOU”, the Edgar County Taxpayers, in order to make the Sheriff look bad by drumming up the dollar amount of the compensation being negotiated.
We reported on a previous attempt this RINO made trying to make the sitting Sheriff look bad when he voted to stop a pay raise to the deputies last fall (HERE). We stated our belief that he voted “no” in a politically motivated move and some people said we were wrong. So why would he do that, and then during another meeting state he wanted to stick it to the Sheriff and give the reinstated deputies as much money as he could possibly give them. Was it another move to make the Sheriff’s department look bad prior to an election? Is he still upset he is no longer a “covert investigator” (LOL) (CLICK HERE)?
To those that ask what is wrong with him forming an opinion about another elected official? We say nothing…UNLESS you are using the taxpayer’s money to further your opinions.
Who knows, but we do know this is not the way to protect the hard earned money of the taxpayers of Edgar County – just to “get even” and try to affect the outcome of an election.


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  • Sick of it all....
    Posted at 15:51h, 14 May

    I don’t understand why the Board was discussing the compensation at this time. I had read where the parties had to meet with the arbitrator to determine what would be owed based on what they would have made and what they actually made during that time at other jobs or unemployment. Will Heltsley have any say whatsoever in the amount that is paid to them? My understanding is that it’s based on real figures, not what someone would like to see them paid.
    I guess I just don’t see why they were wasting time on discussing something that is determined by an outside party, hopefully after getting all the documentation needed to determine what is ACTUALLY owed to them.

  • franklin
    Posted at 15:14h, 14 May

    why was it alleged illegal executive session ?

  • Eric Pratt
    Posted at 13:00h, 14 May

    That would be unfortunate if Heltsley is taking that attitude as the people of Edgar County will be the one’s to suffer. Sadly, people do work social and political systems this way. We elect those to the county board to look after the interests of the county and they should honor that.
