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March 25, 2025

Commonfields of Cahokia Waer District

Cahokia, IL. (ECWd) - On January 14, 2019, Illinois Senator (57th District) Christopher Belt filed a false Statement of Economic Interest related to his position as a Legislator. Belt was appointed to fill the vacancy left by Senator Clayborne in January 2019. On his filed statement, question number...

Alorton, IL. (ECWd) - Jo Ann Reed, the vile creature who was caught on camera screaming obscenities, the likes you might hear from a drunken street hooker, at a citizen in the parking lot of Commonfields of Cahokia Water District; charged and convicted in 2014 of a...

St. Clair County, IL. (ECWd) - We noticed this coming out of Channel 4, KMOV, St. Louis - and one name in particular is very familiar to us. A long list of public officials and employees were indicted today in St. Clair County, Illinois. Read the KMOV article...

CAHOKIA, IL. (ECWd) - Commonfields of Cahokia Water District Board Chairman, Curtis McCall, started their most recent public meeting with a threat to the public. He stated that the meeting would be video taped and the tape would be used to prosecute people. Nice way to make people feel comfortable...

CAHOKIA, IL. (ECWd) - The Village of Cahokia just two months ago changed its meeting dates/times to coincide with the Commonfields of Cahokia Water District meetings to keep citizens from attending both meetings. Since the Chairman of the Water District and the Mayor of Cahokia and father...

CAHOKIA, IL. (ECWd) - The "Emergency Order of Protection" filed by the felon employee of the Commonfields of Cahokia Water District against a local watchdog for expressing her opinions was denied for the "emergency" portion (see this article) a couple of weeks ago. Today was the hearing...

CAHOKIA, IL. (ECWd) - After the last meeting was canceled and a small verbal discussion in the parking lot, Commonfields of Cahokia Water District employee, Jo Ann Reed, decided to extract some revenge and intimidate a citizen who dared to ask questions. Reed, a person with her...

CAHOKIA, IL. (ECWd) - A Village of Cahokia Trustee who is also an employee of the Commonfields of Cahokia Water District is at the center of  Daycare Sexual Molestation Allegations and a civil suit filed in late-November 2015. According to the Madison Record, Melba King Sanders was doing business...
