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March 3, 2025

Back Door Deal

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - Over the past two years, a Federal Airport Grant was stopped THREE times: once due to a fraudulent grant application in which the former airport manager Jimmy Wells received a letter of appreciation for (even after it was known the grant application was...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - During discussion of the Edgar County Airport grant application at this past Monday's county board study session, Mike Helstley is quoted in the Prairie Press with this wonderfully researched statement: ""This not only affects us," said Heltsley, noting many Downstate airports are...

ECWd - A few months ago, we reported on what we called bribing public officials, with promises of financial "donations" should they sign agreements that basically forced them and future board members into speaking in favor of Wind Farms and never speaking or acting against them. Our...

Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - During the May 21, 2015 Clark County Park District Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Joe Ewing was named the board chairman for the next year. This comes on the heals of a letter I had sent him regarding previously undiscovered information related...
