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March 28, 2025

Author: Kirk Allen & John Kraft

Dupage Co. (ECWd) -  Wheaton-Warrenville, CUSD200 is looking to build a new Jefferson pre-school WITHOUT a referendum.  "To build" is a keyword!   On Wed, 3/14/2018, the School Board plans to approve the issuance of “lease certificates” in order to build a school.   They are justifying this based...

Illinois (ECWd) - Nachama Soloveichik, a Washington, D.C.-based campaign consultant running the re-election of Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, was asking the question. She directed it at Diana Rauner, the governor’s wife, who was pondering whether it was now finally time for her husband to tell Illinois...

Coles. Co. (ECWd) - Approximately two weeks ago I attended the Charleston School Board meeting as a messenger and to get some answers.  If you watch the video of my public comment in this article, you will see my focus was on how a child in South Carolina...

Cumberland Co. (ECWd) - “Integrity” Doing the right thing when no one is watching! “Oath of Office” Giving your word as your bond to uphold "ALL" the laws of the state!  “Ethics” Well-founded standards of right and wrong! Do these virtues exist in your County? Most would expect our police officers to be held...

Illinois (ECWd) - The morning of Aug. 3, 2017, Diana Rauner wasn’t sleeping well. It was 3:50 a.m. and she was wide awake, thinking about the Rauner brand and legacy, which at that moment was circling the drain. Two years of inattention and disengagement on the school funding...
