20 Mar Naperville Park District – “Feedback” from Commissioners –
Naperville, IL. (ECWd) - Wow, this valuable feedback is simply amazing! ...
Naperville, IL. (ECWd) - Wow, this valuable feedback is simply amazing! ...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - The bleeding continues with each and every response to Freedom of Information Request's from the College of DuPage. I think public awareness pertaining to the Waterleaf and its massive failure is well established, however, one little attachment to that operation has been vastly...
College of DuPage (ECWd) - The Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor has determined the College of DuPage violated Section 9.5(f) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by not providing the student school (@cod.edu) email addresses. This determination came after my initial complaint (here) where I...
From Windaction.org: The following letter was written by Jane Harper, Tipton County Indiana Commissioner from 2009-2012. Â In addition to dedicating part of her life to public service, Jane is also a farmer. Â She originally wrote this letter to warn the Howard County Indiana officials about the...
VERMILION CO., IL. (ECWd) - March 10th. Vermilion County Board Meeting. Complaints against the Vermilion County Board Increase – Dramatically! You can follow by watching the video of this meeting by clicking the following links: Low Quality and High Quality It’s not just the wind victims anymore! The March meeting...
Open letter to Mike Marron, Vermilion County Board Chairman Dear Chairman Marron, If Bill Donahue can't find this stuff, I think you should fire him. I don't think he is doing his job keeping you out of trouble. Things are looking really bad. You have the power...
DuPage C0. (ECWd) - Robert Breuder – COD President, COD Foundation Ex-Officio, US Bank Advisory Board member / Marsha Cruzan - COD Foundation Board member, Foundation Treasure, US Bank President Chicago - COD Foundation as a whole Contract law-IRS Tax laws-Public relations nightmare? Before diving into additional concerns...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - During the February meeting COD ran though a power point presentation that showed some staggering numbers. Numbers so staggering I couldn't just accept what they claimed.  As it relates to the Waterleaf, they refused to give me the information used to prepare...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - This article was generated because of a local citizen who is paying attention to detail and saw something in Breuder's contract worthy of exposure. Thank you Darryl Reigle for pointing out the contract violations! There comes a point in time when people have...
DeWitt Co., IL. (ECWd) - In a letter, the attorney defending a lawsuit against DeWitt County and some of its officers and employees, complained of "disparaging remarks" made by County Board Member Hoffman in a newspaper article (here). I read the article, and the only response...