31 Mar COD -Trustee Hamilton Interview – CLTV Politics Tonight
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - COD Vice-Chairman Kathy Hamilton was interviewed this evening on the CLTV Politics Tonight. ...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - COD Vice-Chairman Kathy Hamilton was interviewed this evening on the CLTV Politics Tonight. ...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - We have been informed that the Illinois Community College Board has initiated an investigation into the alleged credit hour/full time enrollment matter that we first exposed in this article. A claim has been made that another Community College had been involved in basically...
DeKalb, IL. (ECWd) - Update 3-31-2015: We have been informed that Wilson is no longer employed at NIU. This happened sometime after we attended their Board of Trustees meeting in March. Northern Illinois University appears to have some strange things going on with their employees. First, there...
DuPage C0. (ECWd) - This morning the Chicago Tribune published an article that should have given the voters of District 502 a breath of hope. A criminal investigation has begun and grand jury subpoenas have been issued to the College of DuPage.  (Chicago Tribune article) Less than...
Normal, IL. (ECWd) - It was just a month or so ago that I asked the Heartland Community College to ask the Board of Trustees to reimburse the college for the "gifts" they received, paid for with taxpayer funds, during their regular meeting in December of...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - All indications are the COD Board of Trustees have been asleep at the wheel. You would have to be to get to the numbers shown below for the Herricane Graphics no bid money train. Is this Pay to Play? Herricane Graphics contracts : 2012 Contract...
Naperville, IL. (ECWd) - updated for clarification...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - The College of DuPage entered into a no-bid contract with US Bank in 2012, the same year the DuPage Credit Union contract terminated for Branch Banking services on campus. The president of US Bank just happens to be a COD Foundation Board member. ...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - Please pass the shovel, the hole is not deep enough! In pure amazement, COD has now issued not only a comment to the Chicago Tribune, but a written statement according to the Daily Herald regarding the contract used for the hiring of...
College of DuPage (ECWd) - When a public body has to employ a propaganda machine...