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March 16, 2025

More Things Shady than the Trees: DuPage State's Attorney Bob Berlin Attends Big Forest Preserve Political Fundraiser During 317+ Felony Indictment Trial of Agency's Former IT Staff-

DeKalb, IL. (ECWd) - We were forwarded an indemnification agreement entered into earlier this year by Northern Illinois University's President Baker and employee Nancy Suttenfield, interim Chief Financial Officer of NIU. What makes this worrisome is the after-the-fact indemnification, coupled with what appears to be indemnification of...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - The agenda for the this weeks COD board meeting has been posted and it appears we are finally seeing true leadership from the new board. Item #10 is to vote on the Declaration That Dr. Breuder’s Employment Contract And All Amendments And Addenda...
