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March 3, 2025

DuPage County Board Attorney failed to answer question presented –

Will Co. (ECWd) - We just learned that US Attorney Zachary T. Fardon has issued another subpoena regarding malfeasance we have exposed at Lincoln-Way D210.  In this case, however, the subpoena was issued to the Frankfort Square Park District Executive Director Jim Randall. They are seeking; "Any and...

Ottawa, IL (ECWd) - We ask that the Governor VETO SB212 as all indications are this is nothing more than a method-of-cover being set in place for La Salle County State's Attorney Brian Towne.  Many people in this country are waking up and realizing how...

NEW LENOX, IL. (ECWd) - One might think that having a federal grand jury subpoenaing your business associates and colleagues left and right for allegations of financial mismanagement might make you a little more cautious about your own actions. Well, not in Lincoln-Way High School District 210. Lincoln-Way...

BENTON, IL. (ECWd) - During this week's Franklin County Public Hospital Board of Director's meeting, as reported by the Frankfort American, the Franklin County Public Hospital district has voted to terminate the contract of its Chief Executive Officer, Hervey Davis. Frankfort American: "The Franklin Hospital Board voted...

NEW LENOX, IL. (ECWd) - After we exposed Lincoln-Way High School District 210 and its highly questionable spending and contracting habits, other media became interested in the story. So did Federal Prosecutors, who issued at least one Grand Jury Subpoena, with which the district is cooperating. Watch WGN-TV's...
