OLIVER, IL. (ECWd) – During the October meeting of the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District (CERWD) the Engineer Firm Representative, Bob Colvin of Francis Associates in Paris, talked about the awarding...
...submit a FOIA request, or know that if they did their lies wouldn’t hold any water. To paint the real picture of why this county is in the mess that...
...history of wind in Illinois. She submits typical wind speed data as determined by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Illinois Water Survey which shows that the lowest wind...
...had a conversation during lunch at a restaurant. During this conversation he told me he was concerned about all the flat tires, water in the fuel, and also was worried...
...the water, unless of course the Sheriff, her brother, hires her to work in his office. Could he be that stupid? I digress! According to her resume, Ms. Hagen “Implements...
...own admission he should not have received. An interesting tid-bit in this case, is the home Mr. Rorem lives in has a clear life long history of water in the...
...a new Air Conditioner, Furnace, Water Heater, Washer, Dryer, Freezer, and a laundry list of other items that we the tax payer paid for made its way to his residence....
...raises more red flags! Red Flag list from Dewitt County! Dewitt County- Here We Go Watchdogs in Dewitt County Simple Turns Impossible- Emotions Rule Waste Water Treatment Plant Threats and...
...I don’t know if it’s genetic, or something in the water, but the pattern of wrong doing seems to run in the family for Julie Clark. She is the sister...
...fact takes steps to deceive people and deflect attention from himself. Corbett’s letter insinuating that a nurse mislead him in regards to the Tamiflu holds no water, and close review...