...people start talking, let them talk. Then you know what to look for. Shortly after we started writing articles about the City of Carlinville and its regular and routine failure...
CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – The City of Carlinville has been sent a “2nd Request” for a response to a Request For Review of an alleged FOIA denial. The AG’s PAC...
CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – The City of Carlinville’s Freedom Of Information Act Officer and City Clerk, Carla Brockmeier, has failed to comply with the FOIA again, seemingly making it a...
CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – On top of refusing to provide credit card statements, other public records, and lying about mailing CDs in response to FOIA requests, the Carlinville City Council...
CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – At Carlinville’s City Council meeting on April 3, 2017, the council directed their attorney to provide all the requested records for all FOIA requests submitted as...
...of Metcalf Road was impassable at one point. It was not as bad as other parts of the County, and these pictures were taken after water started receding. ...
CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – Carlinville FOIA Officer apparently thinks FOIA does not apply to them. The Illinois Attorney General has sent another letter of inquiry requiring an answer from the...
CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – Breaking News: The City of Carlinville answered a FOIA request within the 5-day requirement! The Freedom Of Information Act request did not come from me, but...
CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – A long-time reader of ECWd sent us the attached letter from the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor requesting the City of Carlinville provide further information on...
CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) – A quick update on the City of Carlinville’s continued noncompliance with the Freedom Of Information Act. Received: The city answered the complaint in the FOIA suit...