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March 3, 2025

Jo Ann Reed – Cahokia’s Commonfields Water District Order of Protection Denied –

CAHOKIA, IL. (ECWd) - The "Emergency Order of Protection" filed by the felon employee of the Commonfields of Cahokia Water District against a local watchdog for expressing her opinions was denied for the "emergency" portion (see this article) a couple of weeks ago. Today was the hearing...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - Following up on a previous article (here) which could turn out to be a case of wrongful prosecution and conviction, the Illinois State Police Crime Lab has provided the DNA testing results from samples taken from the underwear provided following allegations of...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - According to a customer of B & J's restaurant (aka "The Track Shack" as it is also known due to its proximity to the railroad tracks), he complained to the Edgar County Health Department about seeing cockroaches while eating in B &J's Restaurant. The...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - Below is the Press Release issued by State Representative David Olsen. [gview file=""] Please consider a donation to the Edgar County Watchdogs. [wp_eStore_donate id=1]...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - David Olsen of Downers Grove has been officially appointed to the vacant State Representative seat for the 81st District. Congratulations Representative Olsen.  That selection was determined today by DuPage County Chairman Brian Krajewski and Will County Chairman Kathy Havel. Olsen is a Downers...

LaSalle Co. (ECWd) - I first reported on LaSalle County State's Attorney Brian Towne's campaign reporting irregularities in this article. I had described the situation to the State Board of Elections prior to our first article, which was a person holding a fund-raising event and collecting contributions...

Springfield, IL (ECWd) - "This week Illinois Auditor General Frank Mautino refused to comply with the State Board of Elections’ deadline to amend campaign reports and clarify questionable campaign expenditures. His failure to provide this information after receiving multiple time extensions to gather the details is further evidence...
