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March 31, 2025

Coles County – Why the public should be guarded about what they read in the paper.

Coles. Co. (ECWd) - Approximately two weeks ago I attended the Charleston School Board meeting as a messenger and to get some answers.  If you watch the video of my public comment in this article, you will see my focus was on how a child in South Carolina...

AVON, OHIO (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_43447" align="alignleft" width="150"] Pic from his Linkin account[/caption] Last year, an "anonymous" person opened up a website apparently designed to threaten, intimidate, and disparage us. While we fully support every person's First Amendment rights, there are lines that can be crossed subjecting...

Cumberland Co. (ECWd) - “Integrity” Doing the right thing when no one is watching! “Oath of Office” Giving your word as your bond to uphold "ALL" the laws of the state!  “Ethics” Well-founded standards of right and wrong! Do these virtues exist in your County? Most would expect our police officers to be held...

Illinois (ECWd) - The morning of Aug. 3, 2017, Diana Rauner wasn’t sleeping well. It was 3:50 a.m. and she was wide awake, thinking about the Rauner brand and legacy, which at that moment was circling the drain. Two years of inattention and disengagement on the school funding...
