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January 10, 2025

Jasper County Schools – Attorney invokes the Oscars for public comment policy

CHARLESTON, IL. (ECWd) - Governor Rauner fired him for basically being a racist, Attorney General Candidate Erika Harold still plans on attending his Coles County Lincoln Day Dinner and giving the key-note speech, and his fellow Coles County Republican Precinct Committeemen appear to be happy with...

Logan Co. (ECWd) - For over eight months we have been exposing alleged felony violations of law by Bill Thomas, former self-dealing board member of the Atlanta Public Library District, and to date, Thomas has not been charged. During the recent Secretary of State hearing on their demand...

CHARLESTON, IL. (ECWd) - The Bruce Rauner slate of candidates, Attorney General Candidate Erika Herald, State Representative Avery Borne, GOP Chairman Tim Schneider called for Jeanne Ives to remove a campaign video ad, citing it being sexist, racist, and homophobic.  We may find out if that...

ATLANTA, IL. (ECWd) - Two Atlanta Public Library District Trustees resigned from office. The first is Bill Thomas, the embattled trustee who had alleged conflicts of interest and other problems while serving as trustee. He testified under Oath that he resigned for the sole purpose of being able...
