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March 16, 2025

AG: Pecatonica Township violated the Open Meetings Act: Right to Speak –

Will Co. (ECWd) - Bill Mayer, former DuPage Township Supervisor was plagued from exposure of his actions in numerous articles and public comments during meetings prior to his resignation. While many of his defenders chose to insist we were wrong on our information, or that certain things...

Carlinville, IL. (ECWd) - The Brotze v. Carlinville lawsuit, generally about whether the city had statutory authority to form and join a private non-profit water company, was heard today in Macoupin County Circuit Court. Today's Hearing was on Carlinville's Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit. The Court DENIED Carlinville's...

Coles Co. (ECWd) - The Concerned Taxpayers of Coles County group asked for our help almost three years ago regarding the County Assessments.  One of the first key items we identified was the improper contracting with an individual to perform the duties of the Supervisor of...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - While reviewing Algonquin Township records, we identified some troubling expenditures as it relates to insurance benefits ranging from coverage to officials no longer with the Township to family members of elected officials appearing as dependents getting coverage on the Blue Cross Blue...
