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October 14, 2024

Wind Turbine Blade break Champaign-Vermilion County Illinois

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_49639" align="alignleft" width="115"] Ed Komenda photo from Muckrack[/caption] A recent publication by the Northwest Herald reporter Ed Komenda appears to be not only another anti-attorney Hanlon hit piece, but a clear misrepresentation of the facts, to include flat-out false statements. False Statement: Hanlon and...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - The Paris Family Restaurant, on Illinois Highway 1 south of Paris, caught fire this evening, January 5, 2019, and the Paris Fire Department, Paris Police Department and the Edgar County Special Service Area Ambulance are currently on site. Video clips: . ...

Will Co. (ECWd) - Maripat Oliver, a current trustee for DuPage Township and candidate running for the Village of Bolingbrook trustee, has filed petition objections in the Village of Bolingbrook against "First Party of Bolingbrook" candidates.   However certain claims she made in a published article are...

Belleville, IL. (ECWd) - Alorton Mayor Jo Ann Reed made an appearance at the Hearing scheduled today on her charges related to vote buying, disregard election code, official misconduct (forbidden act) two counts, official misconduct (obtain a personal advantage) one count, and possession and use of...

LaSalle Co. (ECWd) - In October we received numerous files from the LaSalle Police Department related to their violation of the Freedom of Information Act as determined by the AG PAC office.  We wrote about that determination in this article. Of special interest is the position of the Police...
