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March 16, 2025

UPDATE – Rochester Fire Protection District – One man’s $80,041.83 of self-dealing

Sangamon Co. (ECWd) - The Rochester Fire Protection District Trustees and current Rochester FPD Chief John Archer have been ignoring the law and the District's  internal purchasing policy for years. Upon being contacted for help in fixing what was believed to be improper purchasing by members of...

Darien, IL. (ECWd) - Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District has made contributions to a Political Action Committee ("PAC"), The Friends of DWFD in Support of Debt Reduction Bond Referendum. The PAC indicates in-kind contributions from the Fire Protection District for PRINTING and POSTAGE in the total amount of...

Sacramento, CA. (ECWd) - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Thursday, October 1, 2020   Sac City Unified School Board Admits to Hiding an Astounding $101.3 Million in “Books and Supplies” Budget SCUSD’s “Books and Supplies” budget increased from $11.1 million actually spent in 2019-20, to a budgeted $101.3 million for the...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - The onion clearly has many layers in Shelby County, and each time we peel back another layer it exposes more malfeasance and violations of law.  The latest being compensation for the County Sheriff Don Koonce. According to the minutes of the County Board,...
