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March 9, 2025


Illinois (ECWd-) Today the General Assembly debated SB1966, which we first wrote on in this article. This debate was spirited, to say the least. The Chief Sponsor was either confused or intentionally misleading regarding transfer attempts and what happens to those guns if the future buyer is unable...

Illinois (ECWd) - While nothing has been done to multiple County Sheriff's involved in selling seized guns illegally, and deputies illegally buying those guns, it appears the Illinois General Assembly is moving forward with more important legislation.  (Numerous articles on the Sheriff's gun sales can be...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - State Representative Sam Yingling (D) is Chief Sponsor, with David Welter (R), Kathleen Willis (D), Daniel Didech (D), David McSweeney (R), and Jonathan Carroll (D) co-sponsoring HB3596 after House Floor Amendment 2 was added, there are a total of four amendments. The language...

Will & Dupage Co. (ECWd) - Wanting to make a difference in your local government but don't know where to start?  Join us Sunday afternoon, September 16th at the Holiday Inn & Suites in Bolingbrook, IL from 1 pm - 5 pm. This FREE training will provide you with the...

Illinois - (ECWd) - The Illinois Conservative Union has asked John and I to moderate a panel discussion pertaining to local government citizen watchdog matters.  We welcome this opportunity as we have participated in similar panels to include the Illinois League of Women Voters Annual Convention and...
