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March 27, 2025


DANVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - During the July 17, 2018, Vermilion County Airport Authority Board of Commissioners meeting, the commissioners were laughing at IDOT's slow-walking of their clear, willful, and intentional violations of state law, which are felonies if convicted. On April 30, 2018, IDOT's General Counsel was...

DANVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - Within days of our article explaining that 4 of the 5 Vermilion County Regional Airport Authority Commissioners were disqualified from serving in that capacity, Commissioner Jonathan Myers made the correct and honorable decision to resign from the Board of Commissioners. Now if the...

DANVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - The Vermilion County Regional Airport Authority has five commissioners appointed by either the county board chairman or the mayor of Danville. The Authority operates under the Airport Authorities Act. Section 5 of the Airport Authorities Act lists qualifications, or disqualifications, of commissioners of...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - Kami Miller and Ashley Miller (yes they are related) both pled guilty in Federal Court, the United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois, Urbana Division of crimes against the former East Central Illinois Mass Transit District. We wrote about these...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - A complaint was filed with the Illinois Governor's Office of the Executive Inspector General ("OEIG") complaining about: IDOT Chief Counsel's wrongful interpretation of state law IDOT Chief Counsel's lack of a definitive ruling base on established law Edgar County Board's failure to...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - Recent reports in the local paper stating that the "taps are back on" for federal funding are turning out to be more fake news.  County Chairman Voigt's assertion these complaints stopped the repairing or replacing the rotating beacon light at the airport...

KANKAKEE, IL. (ECWd) - The Kankakee Valley Airport Authority held its first meeting since receiving this letter from IDOT in reference to a potential commissioner disqualification of office. During public comment, I restated past events with the roofing contract, talked about another commissioner's alleged conflict in contracts, and asked...

Kankakee, IL. (ECWd) - The Interim Director of the Illinois Department of Transportation - Division of Aeronautics, Steve Young, has sent a letter to the Kankakee Valley Airport Authority questioning the qualification of Rende Langlois to remain on the airport authority board. According to the letter, it appears...

KANKAKEE, IL.(ECWd) - We received information that the Kankakee Valley Airport Authority ("KVAA") had recently voted to approve a contract to roof their building(s).  Information we received also pointed to one of the Commissioners having voted in favor of the contract knowing it would be awarded...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - We received tips that the Edgar County Airport Zoning Commission did not provide a draft copy of the airport zoning policy they were proposing to pass in advance of the meeting. Without the proposed ordinance being provided in advance, nobody knew which questions...
