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February 19, 2025


Illinois (ECWd) - As the news of the Illinois Governor closing all dine-in restaurants and bars spreads across the state, our phones are ringing off the wall.  The question everyone is asking is, can he do that? The answer to that is complex and we suspect there...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Last Friday, Governor Pritzker signed HB3141 (Public Act 101-0104). This Act amends Section 60-5 of the Illinois Township Code, and among other changes, mandates a Township Trustee be appointed as Deputy Supervisor to perform the ministerial duties of the Supervisor when the office...

Illinois (ECWd) - As if the State of Illinois does not have enough problems, it appears our Attorney General Kwame Raoul wanted to make sure our Illinois Law Enforcement is reminded of a law signed by former Governor Rauner known as the Illinois Trust Act and...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Today, Governor Rauner signed HB4253: "Water District - Trustee Removal" "An appointing authority may remove a public water district trustee it appointed for misconduct, official misconduct, or neglect of office." This should really be coined the "Fosterburg Water District Amendment" or the "FWD Bill" because it...
