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March 11, 2025


Springfield, Illinois - (ECWd) - The Illinois Student Assistance Commission ("ISAC") is not immune from controversy in relation to electioneering and reported violations of ethics, election law, the Illinois Constitution, and otherwise general common sense. In 2012, the Daily Caller reported that ISAC participated in an effort...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - With the mass unveiling of inappropriate spending, policy and statute violations, and other actions of Illinois' Public Community Colleges lately, there has been no focus in "the Board" that oversees them, their policies, and serves as an intermediary between the Community Colleges...

Illinois (ECWd) - While researching contract issues with numerous public bodies there appears to be a pattern established.  A pattern that points to total disregard for procurement laws as well as spending taxpayer funds on things that are not part of their statutory duties. The first concern...

Coles County (ECWd) - When a law enforcement entity breaks the law, who can the people turn to for accountability?  As referenced in this article, Edgar County was plagued with illegal gun sales and to date totally ignored by that State's Attorney, Mark Isaf. January 17th, 2014...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - Gov. Bruce Rauner re-appointed Joel Sambursky, and appointed U.S. district court judge John Gilbert and Attorney Amy Sholar to the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University. Both Gilbert and Sholar appointments must be approved by the Illinois Senate. The appointment of Judge...
