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March 12, 2025

Edgar County

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - On December 11, 2014, Theresa Michelle Smith, 55 years old, turned herself in on warrants issued out of Edgar County for two felony counts that include: Case Number: 14-CF-191 -Financial exploitation of elderly/disabled $300 - $5,000 -Financial exploitation of elderly/disabled $100,000 + No further information is...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - THIRTY months ago, the Edgar County State's Attorney sent a letter to the Illinois Attorney General asking for advice and opinion on a potential conflict of interest on a Sheriff and/or Deputy Sheriff sitting on the Edgar County Emergency Telephone Systems Board. The...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - While researching other matters pertaining to the College of DuPage, I came across a rather humorous set of minutes.  Humorous because  it is clear our higher educational institutions not only understand the law, but actually apply it properly. Humorous because our own State's...
