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March 12, 2025

Edgar County

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - During "National Sunshine Week" in which virtually every organization (and good public official) across the nation, who publish information about government is screaming for more transparency and Freedom of Information Act reforms to enhance access to public records, the Prairie Press publishes a...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - During discussion of the Edgar County Airport grant application at this past Monday's county board study session, Mike Helstley is quoted in the Prairie Press with this wonderfully researched statement: ""This not only affects us," said Heltsley, noting many Downstate airports are...

102nd District - (ECWd) Once again we must look to official records to inform the voters of inconsistencies and misleading information made by those running for office. In this case, Jim Acklin, former St. Joe-Ogden School superintendent. A recent video released by Liberty Principles PAC...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - During a recent "Meet the Candidates" night in Paris, Illinois, Candidates for the 102nd State Representative District were asked if they would support or oppose a fee to access public records thru the Freedom Of Information Act. Brad Halbrook, Jim Acklin, and Randy...

URBANA – Legislative candidate Jim Acklin of Ogden countered a former high school student’s sexual misconduct suit against the school district he once led by blaming her. “Plaintiff was under a duty to use care and caution for her own safety and well being” while at St....

DuPage Co., (ECWd) - Yesterday we filed a Motion to Dismiss on all counts under the Illinois Citizen Participation Act, more commonly known as the anti-SLAPP Act, or anti-Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation Act. Also filing their own Motions to Dismiss are the other Defendants - Claire...
