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March 12, 2025

Edgar County

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - A complaint was filed with the Illinois Governor's Office of the Executive Inspector General ("OEIG") complaining about: IDOT Chief Counsel's wrongful interpretation of state law IDOT Chief Counsel's lack of a definitive ruling base on established law Edgar County Board's failure to...

Illinois (ECWd) - When we fail to address violations of law by public officials at the local level, it festers and desensitizes us to the importance of our laws. Those officials who are allowed to get away with breaking our laws move up the chain to...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - Just days prior to the scheduled Hearing on Edgar County's Motion to Dismiss, RIDES Mass Transit District filed a Motion to file a second Amended Complaint. That Motion was approved by the Court and they were given until August 1, 2017 to...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - Recent reports in the local paper stating that the "taps are back on" for federal funding are turning out to be more fake news.  County Chairman Voigt's assertion these complaints stopped the repairing or replacing the rotating beacon light at the airport...

TERRE HAUTE, IN. (ECWd) - [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="184"] J.D. Kesler (right)[/caption] Jerome D. "JD" Kesler appeared in Vigo County Court his morning on two felony charges of voting outside the precinct of where he lived - what some would refer to as voter fraud. It is alleged...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - Update: 6-26-20017 - The responding "SWAT" was the "Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System Special Response Team" ("ILEAS") based in Urbana, Illinois. Paris Police Department called the SWAT team out to a West Van Buren residence earlier today. According to witnesses at the scene, the incident...

TERRE HAUTE, IN. (ECWd) - Jerome "J.D." Kesler, Vigo County Indiana Emergency Management Agency ("EMA") Deputy Director, Vigo County Sheriff Special Deputy and former Edgar County Airport Board Member was arrested and charged this morning in Vigo County, Indiana. Kessler was arrested and charged with two Felony counts of...
