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March 28, 2025

Coles County

COLES CO., IL. (ECWd) - The former Sherriff of Coles County, Darrell Cox, who was publicly outed during his campaign (by the Edgar County Watchdogs - not by Phillips) for illegally selling guns in violation of State Law and in violation of Court Orders (WTHI article here),...

LERNA, IL. (ECWd) - Don Pearcy, the unofficial now-former Village of Lerna President (maybe), tendered his "conditional resignation in a Special Meeting today, January 31, 2016. The problem is that the term of his "conditional" resignation resulted in the village trustees violating the Illinois Municipal Code due...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - The Illinois State Board of Elections held the lottery on December 9, 2015, to determine ballot placement in the upcoming election. Ballot order for the 102nd Illinois State Representative District is  Brad Halbrook  Randy Peterson  Jim Acklin Ballot order for the 110th Illinois State Representative District (without...
