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September 18, 2024

Coles County

ILLINOIS (ECWd) - The Illinois Appellate Court, 5th Appellate District, issued an Order which effectively revoked the Illinois Commerce Commission's issuance of a nonpublic utility company's certificate of public conveyance and necessity under the expedited review process set forth in the Illinois Public Utilities Act. Click here...

COLES Co., IL. (ECWd) - What do you do when you are an appointed Coles County Board of Review member charged with hearing property tax objections, and you feel a little sleepy? Simple. Sleep! Is this what taxpayers can expect if the current County Board Chair is re-elected? The...

Coles Co. (ECWd) - After running one article on Ford County and their Supervisor of Assessment failures, the Supervisor resigned and today we find that the Ford County Board of Review did just as we suggested, with one minor exception. Our suggestion in this article: "With these many...

CHARLESTON, IL. (ECWd) - Governor Rauner fired him for basically being a racist, Attorney General Candidate Erika Harold still plans on attending his Coles County Lincoln Day Dinner and giving the key-note speech, and his fellow Coles County Republican Precinct Committeemen appear to be happy with...
