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February 22, 2025

Clark County

OLIVER, IL. (ECWd) - We have written about this unethical and unlawful situation in Clark and Edgar Counties before but thought it time to remind all those still interested that there has been no legitimate effort to rectify this problem. In fact, the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District...

OLIVER, IL. (ECWd) - That's right. The Clark-Edgar Rural Water District (CERWD) has "written off" more than $40,000.00 in uncollected debt for water service. That's $40,000 that could have been used to connect others, pay wages, or to pay down its massive debt. If you know any of...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Today, the 4th Appellate Court reversed the decision of the 5th Circuit Court in granting the Clark County Park District's Motion to Dismiss an Open Meetings Act suit brought by ECWd's Kirk Allen and John Kraft. We filed this court action on February...

PARIS and HARRISBURG, IL. (ECWd) - RIDES Mass Transit District (RIDES) has filed its answer to Edgar County’s Motion to Dismiss. Here is our opinion on their argument(s); RESOLUTION IS VOID AT ITS INCEPTION The Edgar County Ordinance and Resolution never set forth the five requirements to form a...

CLARK COUNTY, IL. (ECWd) - Follow-up from this article: Someone had better start investing in stock in rope, because no one can keep up with the demand from public officials. On September 16, 2016 I sent the following FOIA request in order to validate what I...
