The Township Officials of Illinois (“TOI”) is having its annual conference this week.
One of the sessions taking place this afternoon caught our eye – and incidentally had a similar subject during the Public Library Association’s Conference a couple of years ago..
On page 14 of the pdf (here) (labeled page 14 of the program) is an educational session that we advise all township officials to attend.
It is entitled: “Citizens Arrest Program” featuring Bob Russell, Attorney from Russell, English, and Beneke, and starts at 3:45 today.
It is described as follows:
“Tired of their complaints and grievances not being addressed, concerned citizens are turning to arresting their local public officials to get their attention. This presentation will discuss the phenomenon of “Citizen’s Arrest,” and hopefully provide guidance as to how to avoid it!”
The bottom line, in our view, is simply follow the law (all of them), tell the truth, publish the meeting agendas, provide public records when requested, realize that public comment is a right of citizens (something you cannot take away or limit), and try answering questions within a reasonable amount of time.
Please consider a donation.
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Unhappy Taxpayer
Posted at 12:38h, 14 NovemberThe entire Arcola Township board should attend
Warren J. Le Fever
Posted at 16:00h, 14 NovemberI love it. I love it! I LOVE IT!!!
CHUCKLE, CHUCKLE, TEE HEE, TEE HEE, HAR! HAR! HAR! It’s good to see mindless stupidity on display AND LAUGH AT IT.