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March 28, 2025

Bob Miller

McHenry Co.  (ECWd) - Former Algonquin Township Road Commissioner Bob Miller was deposed earlier in the month regarding a lawsuit against him for unauthorized payments to himself and other matters. The theme of the deposition was one of "I don't remember, or I don't Recall" to most...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Recent exposure of Anna May Miller's political work from public computers and the fuzzy math time cards has raised more questions than we can keep up with.  Miller was also a County Board member while being employed by her husband at the Algonquin Township...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Anna May Miller began working at the Township Road District for her husband in August of 1998 according to records obtained from the Road District. August of 2013 is the fifteen-year mark putting her at an entitlement of four weeks vacation each...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - We have seen a lot of shady stuff in our time but I think this one may well make the bucket list as an all-time stupid move. We exposed Bob Miller's position as President of the Northern Illinois Township Highway Commissioners Association (NITHCA)...
