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March 28, 2025

Attorney General

McHenry Co., IL. (ECWd) - As reported by The Patch (link here): Online Newspaper Wins FOIA Judgment Against McHenry County Sheriff First Electric News publisher Pete Gonigam awarded $80,000 by McHenry County judge. By Patch Chicago (Patch Staff) July 26, 2015 ShareTweetGoogle PlusRedditEmailComments An online...

College of DuPage (ECWd) - A recent ruling from the Attorney General confirmed the contract extension for COD President Robert Breuder was done in violation of the Open Meetings Act (here).   That ruling took around four years to be issued.  Why?  According to the Chicago Tribune...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - The Appellate Court DENIED an appeal of the Illinois Commerce Commission decision on the Illinois Rivers Transmission line project - Ameren Power Line in Edgar County. The official word is that the line location, based on most efficient transmission location, that was presented...

Death Row Stories (Steidl), Season 2, Episode 2, will air Sunday, July 19, 9 p.m. Illinois time. It will also be uploaded to CNN's website later that night or the next day. You can view Season 2, Episode 1 by clicking here. The trailer below is...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - The Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor's Office (PAC) is responsible for answering inquiries on various subjects, to include the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA), and the Open Meetings Act (OMA). These inquiries come from public officials, media, and citizens either in...

Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - During the May 21, 2015 Clark County Park District Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Joe Ewing was named the board chairman for the next year. This comes on the heals of a letter I had sent him regarding previously undiscovered information related...
