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March 28, 2025

Attorney General

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - The Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor has issued a determination on a complaint filed alleging an Open Meetings violation from a meeting held on October 26, 2015. The AG PAC determined that the Edgar County Board violated the Open Meetings Act...

CHICAGO, IL. (ECWd) - Contact: Jennifer Bonjean, Bonjean Law Group: 917.566.3926 Media logistics: Andrew Touhy, 312.228.4800 MEDIA ADVISORY ALVAREZ CONSPIRED WITH LAWYERS TO AVENGE INNOCENCE PROJECT, SUIT ALLEGES Investigator Paul Ciolino Sues Cook County State’s Attorney, Also names prominent lawyers Terry Ekl, Jim Sotos, Andy Hale and their investigators (CHICAGO) April 28,...

Chicago, IL. (ECWd) - Kirk was interviewed by CBS-TV Channel 2 out of Chicago about the Mautino mess. Illinois State Auditor General Mautino must provide answers to these irregularities in his campaign expenditures. Please consider a donation to The Edgar County Watchdogs. [wp_eStore_donate id=1] ...

CAHOKIA, IL. (ECWd) - In recent months, the Mayor of Cahokia, Curtis McCall Jr., had decided to start evicting residents from public meetings, and charging them with disorderly conduct. During one meeting, he had a council member removed by the Cahokia Police Department. Watching the meeting videos,...

DeKalb, IL. (ECWd) - THIS IS A STORY ABOUT THE LACK OF TRANSPARENCY AND A CONSPIRACY BY LAWYERS FOR THE STATE TO HIDE RECORDS State of Illinois Healthcare and Family Services inked a deal worth over $190 million with Client Network Services Incorporated ( "CNSI" ) through...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - In past articles I wrote about Board Member Karl Farnham collecting insurance payments in violation of law,  Board Members Mike Heltsley and Alan Zuber collecting "opt-out" payments in violation of law, State's Attorney Mark Isaf collecting the opt-out payments and previous...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - With absolute disbelief that any person, or group of people, could be so wrong, I read the editorial in this week's Prairie Press on their assumption that "There is no conflict" in Sheriff Jeff Wood being on the Edgar County ETS...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Video of the Edgar County Board Study Session is below. This meeting was held on October 26, 2015 at the Edgar County Highway Department. Enjoy watching Karl Farnham ignoring people during public comment - he does this when he doesn't like the subject,...
