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DuPage Township – Trustee Maripat Oliver can’t accept the truth, attempts to spread more criminal insinuations during meeting

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 21, 2019

Will Co. (ECWd) –

During this week’s DuPage Township meeting I raised the issue of Trustee Oliver’s lack of being a person of her word.  For months Oliver went to great strides to flaunt her knowledge of a criminal complaint allegedly against a Trustee and that she would make sure she keeps everyone updated every month by having that matter on the agenda. It goes without saying, Oliver has not kept people up to date on the matter.  In fact, the November meeting she failed to show up, which is no surprise because it was the day before that meeting the local Bolingbrook Police notified her there were no criminal violations as alleged.  We wrote about that in this article.

She showed up to this week’s meeting but during her trustee comments, she said absolutely nothing about the status of the criminal complaint.

However, after I raised the issue with Trustee Oliver failing to keep her word and keep people informed on the status of the criminal complaint that she knew was closed, only then did she want to talk about it.

It appears this was all staged because she was prepared with documents to distribute but failed to say a word during her time to speak but rather waited to see if anyone raised the issue during public comment. Address it she did, with what appears to be yet another attempt to disparage another trustee.

Oliver handed out two pieces of paper that were stapled together and then attempted to spread more lies.  Attempted because she was shut down as it was time for public comment, not trustee comment, where she said nothing about the matter.

These are the two documents she distributed.  The first page, a duplicate of what we found in the documents obtained from the Police Department.  The second page was a copy of an old newspaper article that had nothing to do with anything involving DuPage Township nor the criminal investigation.

It appears she was trying to bolster the lie that trustee Benford was involved in identify theft, an offense never found by the Police but being perpetuated by Oliver with the distribution of the documents. What other purposes would there be for distributing an old news article about identity theft along with a document seeking personal information to be loaded into the payroll system, especially when the first page of those records were already reviewed by the Police investigators?

We obtained the files from the Bolingbrook Police department and it appears there were the following unfounded allegations by Oliver and what appears to be former Supervisor Bill Mayer.

  • Personal use of government computers ( “A” document on a township computer containing a spreadsheet of financial donations to a persons political campaign)
  • Destruction of emails
  • Identify Theft

Going from the bottom up, there was no identity theft, let alone evidence of such theft.  The emails allegedly deleted are not missing but actually were backed up.  The single document found on a computer only means a file is on the computer. It does not prove the person who uses that computer placed it there.  It appears this allegation is against an employee, not a trustee.

This entire matter appears to be nothing short of a witch hunt.  Those who filed this complaint should face an investigation for possible criminal violations of knowingly filing a false police report.

As referenced above, you will see that page 66 of the 174 pages of files from the Bolingbrook Police Department is the same document that Oliver shared in her ridiculous attempt to respond to my comments about her failing to keep her word.

As if that circus act was not enough, Oliver asked specific questions of the Township attorney about taking calls from individual trustees in violation of the policy that only the Supervisor is to ask the attorney questions.  The attorney’s response was priceless.  He informed her that he takes her calls, along with others.  Would that be a case of the pot calling the kettle black?  He takes her calls but she is upset about him taking others?  Nope, you can’t make this stuff up.

After the meeting, Oliver appeared to have violated the very policy on talking with the attorney she complained about, again.  She demanded to speak with the attorney after the meeting and while we don’t know what her real problem is, the yelling she did was heard by others.  It was reported to us she was so mad she was in tears but we can not confirm that allegation.

We urge Trustee Oliver to resign as it is clear her entire focus as a trustee is not about doing the people’s business but rather perpetuating attacks against the one trustee that has been willing to expose the real truth.

In closing out my comments, I read from a sworn affidavit regarding former Supervisor Bill Mayer and his receipt of bonuses from Call One for government accounts he signs up for phone service.  The affidavit states he signed up DuPage Township for those services. We wrote about his self admitted conflicts in these articles, here and here.   Stay tuned for that article coming soon as now know a criminal complaint against Bill Mayer that included binders of evidence has been forwarded to the authorities and is currently being investigated.

You can view the Police Department files at this link or view below.


Maripat and Mayer crimnial complaint



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  • SMH
    Posted at 23:32h, 28 December

    Can Oliver be charged with filing a false police report or lying to the police? If so, how soon? She needs some life lessons. I know it’s not her crime of choice, but someone should tell Maripat and all convicted felons that misappropriation of funds is wrong.

  • SMH
    Posted at 23:19h, 21 December

    Oliver needs to be impeached Or committed for a mental health evaluation. She is unhinged. I’m still trying to understand why she and Burgess are not trying to report the former supervisor. They have their head in the sand.
