09 Oct County Board member Heltsley is a hopeless mess – Part 1 –
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - This one is special, and Edgar County should be proud his performance - LOL...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - This one is special, and Edgar County should be proud his performance - LOL...
BLOOMINGTON, IL. (ECWd) - Truth be told, I was still arranging to be in Bloomington, Illinois on Friday morning to take care of business reminiscent of the Clark County Park District incident (here) from earlier this year when I received word of these cancellations. Mayor Teri...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - "If you don't vote, don't complain" Vote for the good of the County and State. [gview file="https://edgarcountywatchdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/2014-nov-4-il-edgar-FullPublication-1.pdf"]...
VENICE, IL. (ECWd) - When reading through the Venice School District's Financial Oversight Panel meeting minutes, I came across this gem of an illegal expenditure blessed by Sup. Cullen: NEW BUSINESS – AUGUST 18, 2011 BOE REGULAR MEETING "There was a question regarding a payment for funeral flowers....
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - There were several issues discussed during the Board's study session this week, and among those were: - During the public comment section, I repeated my call for correction of the "Note 12" from a couple of years ago. This "Note" in the audit...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - In a short special county board meeting this morning at the Highway Department, Chairman Ben Jenness nominated Mr. Andrew Patrick to fill out the remainder of Dale English's term on the board. The recommendation passed unanimously. This might be the shortest post I...
Madison Co. - (ECWd) - In the last 4 years we have probably looked at every type of public body there is. During that time it has become very clear that the #1 abuser of public funds are School District Superintendents. Some may recall the exposed...
GLEN ELLYN, IL. (ECWd) - Patricia Taves, the FOIA Officer for the Glen Ellyn Police Department responded to the Attorney General in reference to my complaint of their Freedom of Information Act denial for DUI arrest records. Instead of a simple explanation of the facts, she decides...
College of DuPage (ECWd) -  . College of DuPage ("COD") faculty and staff have reported to us that the College has taken the unprecedented step of censoring content from employee email accounts that does not fit their agenda. This includes actually deleting emails that have already been delivered and...
College of DuPage (ECWd) - Yet another fine example of the level of deception certain people within the College of DuPage will go to in order to get their way! On February 2, 2012, Dr. Breuder signs a draft agreement with the Village of Glen Ellyn that...