...you’ll also find other teaching aids to help new people interested in aviation. Training new local pilots is something essential to the health of an airport. (Speaking of a professional...
...place today? Stupid is as Stupid Does! The “former” attorney for the Ford Iroquois Public Health Department had made a comment in his Cease and Desist letter that when I...
...by the way, have already cleared the health dept!” Saying nobody was charged with a crime yet, would be a more truthful statement than the false claim that the health...
...such a bond, the fact is most would agree he recklessly put the county health department at risk by failing to have a bond! A clear failure to comply with...
...as fast as we can and for those that still think everything is peachy in the Health Department, you might want to re-evaluate that position, as things are far from...
...it runs ramped in our system of Government when it lacks integrity and accountability. From all indications, the Ford-Iroquois Public Health Department and their purchase of a government subsidized solar...
...tax dollars and it appears your FIPHD is costing you far more than just about any other county operated Health Department in the area! Public Health Comparison of several counties....
...where a board of 10 or 12 members is provided for as authorized in this Section, each county health department shall be managed by a board of health consisting of...
...units of government in relation to which the person is required to file. So what did the Ford-Iroquois Public Health Department employee, Julie Clark, who was authorized to do her...
IROQUOIS CO. (ECWd) – Watchdog Kirk Allen has filed a Miscellaneous Remedy FOIA Suit in Iroquois County Court this morning. This filing is due to the Ford-Iroquois Public Health Department’s...