...and vehicles in the roadway. The first Deputy arrived at the location – 6327 N 2025th St, and found the roadway partially blocked with vehicles. The Deputy noted a large...
...of compensation” chosen, and under the conditions spelled out in the employee manual where it talks about health insurance. Here, the county board has never been granted health insurance under...
...considered employees for the purpose of health insurance. Finally, if the board properly selected their method of compensation, and if health insurance was placed in the resolution setting their compensation,...
...this section County Policy: Finally, you must look at the County Employee Policy to determine if an elected county officer is eligible for health insurance – provided they included health...
...Health (Paris Hospital). A note of interest is the fact the Special Meeting held today was not published in the newspaper as required by law. Public comment was heard, with...
...[ambulance contract] decision may affect the total health care provided in Edgar County. Specifically our hospital.” ECWd: An ambulance service does not affect the total health care in Edgar County...
...25% Programs: NO FEE Season Pass – spouses and dependent 5-day pass, 50% OFF RESIDENT RATE DISCOUNT Room Usage and 10% off food FREE Fitness Center pass ($579.00 for a...
...over into what should be serious concerns for the Township. We recently exposed his tax-free health insurance in this article. As we outlined at the end of that article, we...
...Not the case with Bill Mayer Mayer established a health insurance policy for himself, his wife Christine, and three dependent children with an effective date of February 1, 2018. The...
...County Health Department, four cases have been reported in Edgar County. We will update this article as we receive additional information. . Our work is funded entirely thru donations and...