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March 3, 2025

U46 – Clarifying The Clarification –

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Is it any wonder certain county board members are collecting county insurance benefits (Farnham, and Heltsley and Zuber) in violation of law when the very person charged with prosecuting lawbreakers and advising the county board "as to their duties and responsibilities...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - With absolute disbelief that any person, or group of people, could be so wrong, I read the editorial in this week's Prairie Press on their assumption that "There is no conflict" in Sheriff Jeff Wood being on the Edgar County ETS...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - Ever since the March 2015 election, we have seen some interesting losers attending the College of DuPage trustee meetings.  Specifically, former trustees Cory Atkinson and Dave Carlin, both who lost attempts to be re-elected as a COD board member. During these meetings, trustee...
