Will. Co. (ECWd) – One of the well-established patterns of behavior for John Norton, former Wesley Township Highway Commissioner, is his inability to be truthful while on the witness stand...
Will Co. (ECWd) During this week’s wrap up of the former Westly Township Highway Commissioner John Norton hearing, which resulted in a Stalking / No Contact Order, Norton found himself...
...and was prohibited from speaking She was in line to sign the sheet, but the Road Commissioner was in the way, blocking her from accessing the signup sheet. After the...
...seq., specifically provides that “[c]ompensation shall be for the time served, and no township officer may receive compensation for any future or anticipated days of duty.” 60 ILCS 1/65-5; see...
...plenty more to expose. Algonquin Township established the compensation of elected officeholders in November of 2016. Three positions, Supervisor, Assessor, and Highway Commissioner were authorized to receive Illinois Municipal Retirement,...
...needs any interpretation as it says what it means. They work without compensation, and that also means “deferred” compensation, such as freebees handed out to past park commissioners. According to...
...ironic that such actions were of concern considering his own client, Bob Miller, did the same thing with the nonprofit highway commissioner associations he operated out of the Road District...
...matter of an outgoing elected Highway Commissioner binding the hands of the next elected Highway Commissioner. In this case, the outgoing elected official entered a 5-year contract with local 150,...
...Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Andrew Gasser, Supervisor Charles Lutzow, Clerk Karen Lukasik, Union 150, Edgar (Edgar County Watchdogs), McHenry County State’s Attorney, and all attorneys. Our first concern is this...
...the Township Supervisor, and Andrew Gasser, the Township Road District Highway Commissioner. One would think Kelly would have known this was not proper considering his alleged Township law expertise. We...