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March 16, 2025

Algonquin Township Clerk cannot enrich herself in lawsuit against Township Officials –

ALGONQUIN TWP. (ECWd) - The NWHerald has reported that Algonquin Township Clerk Karen Lukasik has offered up her resignation in return for a large cash payout to settle her lawsuit (counterclaim) against several township officials. The problem? As Township Clerk, she is not permitted to financially enrich...

Illinois (ECWd-) Today the General Assembly debated SB1966, which we first wrote on in this article. This debate was spirited, to say the least. The Chief Sponsor was either confused or intentionally misleading regarding transfer attempts and what happens to those guns if the future buyer is unable...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - It appears the Algonquin Township Board either has no clue what they are doing, or have given their Attorney free reign to settle cases at figures higher than originally offered and without public board action. You may recall claims by Township Trustees Lawrence...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - McHenry County State's Attorney Patrick Kenneally issued a letter today regarding criminal complaints filed by us and Karen Lukasik. "We have completed our investigation into the allegations that Mr. Allen made regarding Robert Miller, Anna May Miller, Douglas Helman and Andrew Rosencrans and...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - The Attorney General Public Access Office issued their determination letter regarding our allegation that the Algonquin Township Board violated the Open Meetings Act by failing to post their annual meeting schedule at the Township Office. While the schedule of meetings did get posted...

BLOOMINGTON, IL. (ECWd) - During the Mayor's open house last week, Bloomington, Illinois Mayor Tari Renner stated that [U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas] "sure does not behave like someone who is African American." That comment caught me by surprise, and made me wonder how Mayor Renner...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - Press release from the Edgar County Sheriff's Department indicates there were a total of 76 underage people at the party, two underage people unconscious, several fights occurred, two deputies injured in the fights, and one 18 year old male arrested and charged...
