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March 16, 2025

John Norton lies to the Court once again in bogus Emergency Motion to vacate order of protection against him.

Will Co. (ECWd) - John Norton, former appointed Wesley Township Highway Commissioner was issued a Restraining Order last October and is now attempting to have it vacated through a bogus Emergency Motion.  There is no emergency. Contained within his motion to the court are several lies, which...

United States - (ECWd) - For weeks the public has been told the appropriate authorities cleared John Bolton's manuscript for publication, however, we now know that was a lie. This is yet another example of absolutely pathetic reporting. Bolton not only never received any authorization clearing...

Paris, IL. (ECWd) - After several months of work, including moving away from our previous hosting company and moving to Amazon Web Services with CloudFlare, we are launching a newly designed website this weekend. It should be fully operational by Monday morning, without any downtime. It will have...
