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June 30, 2024

Attorney DeVore & Governor Pritzker – The battle of David and Goliath begins

ILLINOIS (ECWd) - The IDPH Emergency Rule is being repealed by IDPH. WATCH IT HERE: Or watch it here on the BlueRoomStream website: . .Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we ask that you consider donating at the below link. ...

Naperville, IL. (ECWd) - The Naperville Park District field an Emergency Motion for Temporary Restraining Order against Governor JB Pritzker. From the Emergency Motion: This Court should grant a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction prohibiting the Governor from continuing to thwart the Naperville Park District...

ILLINOIS (ECWd) - Letter to the Editor Legal Dubiousness of En Masse State Lock-Downs and “Shelter-in-Place” Orders as a Response to COVID-19 The constitutionality of the authoritarian lock-down and "shelter-in-place" orders occurrent in the United States, as local responses to COVID-19, will be an issue for some...
