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March 3, 2025

Shelby County Chairman Signs Contract Restricting Publication of Audit Information Unless Authorized by the Auditor

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - During yesterday's meeting, Shelby County Board member Bobby Orman raised concerns over the payment to the auditor for a contract never presented to the board. We obtained the contract today, and let's just say every board member who voted to keep Chairman Cannon...

Bradley, IL. (ECWd) - UPDATE 9-14-2020: Catherine Wojnarowski, through her attorney, states that emails contained within this police report include things that she believes are not true. A domestic battery complaint has been filed against the Bradley, Illinois Village Manager, Catherine Wojnarowski. In the complaint, it alleges that: ...

Bradley, IL. (ECWd) - UPDATE 9-14-2020: Catherine Wojnarowski, through her attorney, has stated that she does not remember sending this message, and even if she did, she considers it an invasion of her privacy. Catherine Wojnarowski, Village Administrator for the Village of Bradley, Illinois is alleged to...

Carlinville, IL. (ECWd) - The City of Carlinville filed a Motion to Stay in the Appellate Court to delay enforcement of Judgment declaring Illinois Alluvial a void corporation, and prohibiting Carlinville's participation in the unlawful actions. The Brotze's filed a Response to Carlinville's Motion through their attorney,...

Chrisman, IL. (ECWd) - In looking at the Northern Edgar County Ambulance Service ("NECAS") over the past week, we gathered information relating to accusations of physical abuse on more than one occasion, property damage to private and public property and allegations of firearms on the public...

Danville, IL. (ECWd) - William Layne Roberts, an Assistant State's Attorney for Vermilion County, Illinois has been recommended by the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission's Review Board for a 30 day suspension for continuing to practice law after his name was removed from the Master...

DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) - During a recent DuPage Township Board of Trustees meeting, Trustee Benford read a letter during public comment. Trustee Maripat Oliver objected and even wrote a complaint to the Attorney General about Benford's reading of a letter during public comment. Her specific allegation...
