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March 3, 2025

Appellate Court: Markham Mayor Agpawa Ineligible For Office; Governor Cannot Restore Rights Of Federal Felon –

Markham, IL. (ECWd) - Just as we predicted in our January article (here) the First District Appellate Court issued its Opinion that recently re-elected mayor of Markham, IL, Roger Agpawa, is deemed ineligible to hold any Illinois municipal office, due to a federal felony conviction, and...

Piatt County, IL (ECWd) - Piatt County appears to be leading the charge in ensuring Illinois stays on the top three list of most corrupt states in the nation. A recent Federal Court filing by Michael Holmes, former County Emergency Management Agency Director of Piatt County lays...

MADISON CO, IL. (ECWd) - Rob Dorman and Doug Hulme have filed a lawsuit in Madison County Circuit Court naming the Cities of Edwardsville, Alton, Granite City, and Collinsville as Defendants for their part in the Madison County Public Corruption Task Force as respondeat superior ("let...
