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March 3, 2025

Illinois Attorney General Spent $929,290 In April re: Computer Hacks

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - According to the April 16, 22, and 27, 2021, emergency meeting minutes of the Illinois Attorney General's Procurement Policy and Compliance Board, the AG's office purchased the following: April 16th:  MOXFIVE for $462,250.00 April 22nd:  CrowdStrike for $111,000 April 27th:  Rust Consulting...

S. Jacksonville, IL. (ECWd) - Mayor Manker Ends Past Practice of Unlawful Payments in Violation of Pension Regulations FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today (July 9, 2021), the Village of South Jacksonville notified the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (“IMRF”) legal division that the previous administration was unlawfully violating IMRF regulations...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - We first covered the Keith Petard Insurance scandal in this article. If you have not read that article along with the linked documents, we urge you to do so in order to better grasp the information in this article. For those willing to...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - Keith Petard, now retired former Shelby County Highway Department employee appears to owe some money to Shelby County.  What many may not remember, Alan Spesard, County Highway Engineer, was not the only county employee operating their business out of the County Highway...

Illinois (ECWd) - The Attorney General disclosed a ransom cyberattack on the computer systems in the morning of April 10, 2021, of their office in this press release published April 29, 2021. With more than two months passing, the Attorney General is not only unable to search...

Iroquois, Co. (ECWd) - The Milford School Board appears to have a special program offered to select board members in contradiction to state laws. After receiving a tip that board members were being compensated, which would violate state law, I submitted our freedom of information act request...

Casey, IL. (ECWd) - On April 16, 2021, Casey, Illinois Police Officer Justin Goble resigned after his admission to the theft of Shop-With-A-Cop funds were reported to the Casey Police Department. Goble was seeking employment with the Effingham Police Department ("EPD"), and underwent a background investigation and...
