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March 13, 2025

Shelby County

Shelby Co., IL. (ECWd) - As part of the illegal closed session discussion during a recent county board meeting, board member Barbara Bennett and Chairman Bruce Cannon make the most amazing statements, which are not true.  While we are used to public officials being loose with...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - Shelby County Board has been having regular budget meetings and it is clear they have a serious shortfall needing to be addressed.  One suggestion was a 30% budget cut for all county offices. The last audit reflects the County spent $917,510.00 more than...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - We first reported on Shelby County Corrections Officer Christopher Zakowski DUI arrest in this article.  We have now obtained the arrest report and first want to thank the arresting officer for doing the very job he took an oath to perform. Officer...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - The auditors for Shelby County presented their report during this week's June 3, 2020, County Board meeting. While we only have the auditor's letters, they are enough to once again expose why the mandated legislative audits do little to actually fix what...

Shelbyville, IL. (ECWd) - May 13, 2020 For Immediate Release Contact: Erica Firnhaber (217) 774-3841 Shelbyville, IL…The Shelby County Board today approved a measure to reform how time sheets for County employees are handled, according to Shelby County Treasurer Erica Firnhaber, a proponent of the measure. “When I took office, I...
