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March 28, 2025

Illinois General Assembly

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Governor Rauner signed HB 5683, which amends the Open Meetings Act to allow anyone to file a lawsuit for violations of the Open Meetings Act within 60 days of the Attorney General deciding to resolve an alleged violation thru a means other...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - We have received several tips that indicate State Rep Ron Sandack (R-Downers Grove) has resigned from office. This has also been reported by several news organizations. Sandack cited recent "cyber security issues" as his main reason for resigning and is quoted in Capitol...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Today, Governor Rauner signed the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (read it here) which is meant to scale back on the lavish expenses incurred by public officials under the guise of "official business". The LGTECA requires school districts, community college districts, and...

Reps Dwight Kay, Ives, Wheeler, and Morrison held a Press Conference to explain their filing of Joint House Resolution, HJR158, calling on Auditor General Frank Mautino's  removal from office. "The People of the State of Illinois have a tacit right to be able to trust and full faith...

Springfield, IL (ECWd) - We are urging Governor Rauner to Veto Senate Bill 212 based on evidence that the key person behind it has violated the law. LaSalle County State's Attorney Brian Towne has pushed for SB212 to pass and by all indications, our legislatures were...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - On June 30, 2016, Gov. Rauner signed HB4630 which made a change to the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Jeanne Ives was the Chief Sponsor in the House, along with Sponsor Peter Breen and others, with Michael Connelly as Chief Sponsor in the Senate. It...

Springfield, IL (ECWd) - The position of Illinois State Auditor General, currently held by Frank Mautino, is a Constitutional Office filled by a vote of the General Assembly.  It is that same group that can remove him.  In short, the General Assembly is his boss. Most people...
