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February 9, 2025

City of Benton

BENTON, IL. (ECWd) - The Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor has issued a binding opinion, number 17-007, stating that the City of Benton, Illinois is responsible for fulfilling Freedom of Information Act requests for public records kept by the municipal airport board. In reading this opinion,...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Today, Governor Rauner signed the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (read it here) which is meant to scale back on the lavish expenses incurred by public officials under the guise of "official business". The LGTECA requires school districts, community college districts, and...

BENTON, IL. (ECWd) - During this week's Franklin County Public Hospital Board of Director's meeting, as reported by the Frankfort American, the Franklin County Public Hospital district has voted to terminate the contract of its Chief Executive Officer, Hervey Davis. Frankfort American: "The Franklin Hospital Board voted...
