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March 26, 2025

Illinios HFS

Illinois  (ECWd) - The Illinois Department of Public Health, effective May 17, 2021, has repealed the Emergency Rule created January 4th, 2021. While not the complete description as implied, this is the published langauge in the repeal documentatoin: "This rule required people over age two who are...

Illinois  (ECWd) - The Illinois Department of Health and Family Services is now providing instruction on Unconscious Bias, Microaggression, Microinequities, Microinsults, Microassaults, and Microninvalidations. In promotion of the training, the director made a statement in her email to HFS personnel that clearly failed to recognize our history....

DeKalb, IL. (ECWd) - THIS IS A STORY ABOUT THE LACK OF TRANSPARENCY AND A CONSPIRACY BY LAWYERS FOR THE STATE TO HIDE RECORDS State of Illinois Healthcare and Family Services inked a deal worth over $190 million with Client Network Services Incorporated ( "CNSI" ) through...

ECWd - A few months ago, we reported on what we called bribing public officials, with promises of financial "donations" should they sign agreements that basically forced them and future board members into speaking in favor of Wind Farms and never speaking or acting against them. Our...
